We are living in a tropical island. We should know how to behave. By behaviour i mean how to get dress.
According to me the way you dress up reflects your behaviour, you character. May be for some people it is the case but for many
among us it is. We are in
December and its really really hot over her. And right now am seeing a girl passing wearing boots till her knees and a wool scarf in her neck. Can you
believe that? A summer in
Mauritius wearing clothes people would wear for winter in
Europe? Behave like a someone living on an island. It hot why don't you try something lighter for example a cotton dress with floral printing if you want to
accessorise it you can put a belt on it and if you still want to wear a scarf then try a cotton scarf. Please don't wear boots on them. I would suggest wearing either
saddles or flip flops. Now if you still want to try boot style there is a solution to that as well. There is a new type o shoes which in fashion right now in
Mauritius is flat
saddles which have a zip. You close it the same you way you would close your boots. There is different models. Some goes up to your heels and some reach only till your
ankles. No need to complain about the price they are not expensive.

So girls get out of your boots and leather jacket. We are in summer so enjoy the hot sunny weather and dare to wear colourful clothes. And don't forget your sunglasses Your summer look is going to be incomplete without them. I wish we girls could wear big hats to go out without having someone looking weirdly at you or some stupid people without a single fashion knowledge( i usually call them
fashionless) who are there
laughing because you are wearing a hat. They really piss me off. Most of the time you should shut down their mouth by daring to wear the hats. They want to laugh let them laugh. You should also laugh at them because they are stupid
fashionless fools who are jealous of you. We should all say it together: WE ARE BEAUTIFUL!! Long live summer!
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